The Rev. Terri Degenhardt
The Rev. Terri Walker Degenhardt was ordained to the priesthood in May of 2017. She attended the Bi-vocational program at The University of the South, Sewanee for two years to prepare for ordination to the Bi-vocational ministry.
The Rev. Terri is currently taking part in The Sewanee Ministry Collaborative, a three-year program presently led by The Rev. Dr. Bill Brosend. The focus this year is “Thriving in Ministry” and offers minsters from all over the world opportunities for educational as well as spiritual growth. She is also serving as Chaplain for the Episcopal Church Women, serves on the board for a food ministry in Louisville, and is a member of Rotary.
Previously, the Rev. Terri served as Priest in Charge of the Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalen in Louisville, Georgia; served in an internship at Our Savior in Martinez; and served as deacon at St. Michael’s in Waynesboro. She began her path to ministry when she attended St. Paul's Augusta. While there, she met Walter Degenhardt. They married in 2004, and she moved to Waynesboro where she became involved in ministry at St. Michael's.
Before her ordination, the Rev. Terri taught English for 38 years for various institutions including Davidson Fine Arts and Augusta Technical College.
The Rev. Terri believes in community support. She loves being involved in the community in order to meet people, offer her assistance where needed, and share the love of Christ. In the past, she has volunteered with the Master’s Table, Interfaith Hospitality, Wimberly House Ministries, One Harvest Food Ministries, and the Burke County Detention Center, ministering and teaching incarcerated women.
The Rev.Terri is married to Walter P. Degenhardt. They presently live in Waynesboro, Georgia, where Walter continues to run his law office and oversee their farm. They have one son, Walker Watson ( Longcreek, SC), a daughter, Amanda Degenhardt (Atlanta) and two grandsons Hampton Woosley (California) and Thomas Woosley (Atlanta).
The Rev. Terri enjoys studying all aspects of scripture, presently auditing a course in Hebrew. She loves reading and has recently begun studying iconography. Walter is an avid outdoorsman and spends many hours hunting, fishing, and tending the farm.
The Rev. Terri Degenhardt
The Rev. Terri Walker Degenhardt was ordained to the priesthood in May of 2017. She attended the Bi-vocational program at The University of the South, Sewanee, TN for two years to prepare for ordination to the Bi-vocational ministry.
The Rev. Terri is currently taking part in The Sewanee Ministry Collaborative, a three-year program presently led by The Rev. Dr. Bill Brosend. The focus this year is “Thriving in Ministry” and offers minsters from all over the world opportunities for educational as well as spiritual growth. She is also serving as Chaplain for the Episcopal Church Women, serves on the board for a food ministry in Louisville, and is a member of Rotary.
Previously, the Rev. Terri served as Priest-in-Charge of the Episcopal Church of St. Mary Magdalen in Louisville, Georgia; served in an internship at Our Savior in Martinez; and served as deacon at St. Michael’s in Waynesboro. She began her path to ministry when she attended St. Paul's Augusta. While there, she met Walter Degenhardt. They married in 2004, and she moved to Waynesboro where she became involved in ministry at St. Michael's.
Before her ordination, the Rev. Terri taught English for 38 years for various institutions including Davidson Fine Arts and Augusta Technical College.
The Rev. Terri believes in community support. She loves being involved in the community in order to meet people, offer her assistance where needed, and share the love of Christ. In the past, she has volunteered with the Master’s Table, Interfaith Hospitality, Wimberly House Ministries, One Harvest Food Ministries, and the Burke County Detention Center, ministering and teaching incarcerated women.
The Rev.Terri is married to Walter P. Degenhardt. They presently live in Waynesboro, Georgia, where Walter continues to run his law office and oversee their farm. They have one son, Walker Watson ( Longcreek, SC), a daughter, Amanda Degenhardt (Atlanta) and two grandsons Hampton Woosley (California) and Thomas Woosley (Atlanta).
The Rev. Terri enjoys studying all aspects of scripture, presently auditing a course in Hebrew. She loves reading and has recently begun studying iconography. Walter is an avid outdoorsman and spends many hours hunting, fishing, and tending the farm.
The Rev. Dr. Kurt Miller
Associate Priest
A “cradle Episcopalian” he was baptized, confirmed and served as an acolyte at St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church in Newark, New Jersey before joining the Army. He retired from the Army after 26 years active Federal Service. His last assignment at Fort Gordon was as Sergeant Major of the Telecommunications Center Operator Courses. In 1982, he went to work with Civil Service as an Engineering Technician and Engineer Mobilization Planner at the Facilities Engineer on Fort Gordon. From 1984 to 2005 he was a Training Specialist in the Signal Regimental Officer’s Academy, now the 442nd Signal Bn. He is also an Adjunct Professor for Religious Studies at the Augusta-Fort Gordon Branch of Georgia Military College.
He began his ministry as a lay minister at St. Alban’s Episcopal church. His religious studies began at St. Augustine’s with Education for Ministry from 1981 – 1985. He served as a Mentor in the EFM program; attended Cursillo in 1984; and took a pre-ordination retreat at the Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, in Pennsylvania. He was ordained Deacon in 1986 by Bishop Harry Shipps, his former Rector at St. Alban’s and entered the ministry as a Vocational Deacon in 1986. His assignments were at St. Alban’s and then in 1994 to the Church of the Atonement.
He has been involved in the KAIROS Prison ministry since 1986. He served on the first Board of Directors of St. Stephen's Ministry of Augusta, providing shelter to homeless victims of HIV/AIDS. In 1991, he began off-duty studies at Erskine Theological Seminary, in Due West, SC. In 1996, he graduated with the Master of Divinity degree and applied for ordination to the Priesthood. He began the process for ordination, again, with support and blessing of his wife, Man Sun and son David. In June, 1997, he was ordained a Priest, by Bishop Henry Loutitt, who was his spiritual director at Cursillo. Bishop Loutitt assigned him to St. Augustine’s to assist the Rector, the Rev. Neal Phelps, as a bi-vocational Priest. Then in January, 1998, he was assigned, as Vicar, to the Church of the Atonement in Hephzibah. He graduated from Erskine Theological Seminary in 2001 with the Doctor of Ministry Degree. From July, 2007 to July, 2010 he was a Caregiver for his wife, until she passed away, in March, 2010. He returned to Church of the Atonement, in July, 2010 until his retirement in July, 2018. He remains active in the Kairos Prison Ministry and teaching the Bible at Georgia Military College’s Humanities Department.
The Rev. John Warner
Deacon John Warner has been an Episcopalian his entire life also known as a “cradle Episcopalian.” A member of St. Augustine’s since the mid-1980’s, he served in many roles including youth and adult educator, usher, lay Eucharistic minister, vestry member, and Senior Warden. John was ordained into the diaconate in the Diocese of Georgia on July 9, 2002.
Although he retired from the State of Georgia in 2009 after 34 years of service in mental health administration working with the mentally ill, developmentally disabled and those with addictive diseases, he continued a ministry in this area by serving as a board member for the Friendship Community Center, a day services program for the severely mentally ill. Other community ministries include the Augusta chapter of Mental Health America; and the Augusta Coalition for Mental and Spiritual Health Ministries. He is also employed as an adjunct assistant professor in psychology at the local campus of Georgia Military College.
He is married to Marsha Lord Warner and has one daughter, Samantha who is married to Atul Sinha. He has three grandchildren, Shaun, Simran, and Jay Kumar Sinha.
The Rev. Faye Forbes
Deacon Faye Forbes was ordained at St. Augustine’s on March 27, 2009, but has been a member of the parish for many years. Both of her children were baptized and confirmed in this parish. A special ministry of her service is Youth Challenge Academy, a program for at-risk youth which is located at Fort Gordon. Faye is employed full time in an internal medicine/allergy practice as a Physician Assistant.
Catherine Stuckey
Parish Administrator
Catherine Stuckey is a Communications major from Augusta University with a background in sales/marketing, academic administration, and non-profit fundraising. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Family YMCA, the Augusta Symphony Guild and Sacred Heart Cultural Center Guild as Past President. She currently serves as Secretary on the Board of Tuesday’s Music Live. Catherine grew up at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Augusta where she was baptized, confirmed, and married. Her children were also baptized, confirmed, sang in the choir, and served as acolytes. She has been actively involved in the parish her whole life and currently serves on the Altar Guild, the History Commission and is a Daughter of the King.
Paul Hennessy
Director of Music
Paul Hennessy, an Augusta native, holds a Bachelor of Music with a major in piano from The Catholic University of America. He has performed as a soloist in Switzerland, Italy and various locations throughout the United States, including The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. During the school year, Paul is the advanced piano instructor and chorale pianist at Davidson School of Fine Arts. He and his wife, Bernadette, are parents to six children and attend St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church.
Lillian James-Thomas
Office Assistant
Lillian is known as a cradle Episcopalian, meaning she has been in the Episcopal church all of her life. Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Lillian has been at St.Augustine's for twenty two years. She has served as a Lay Reader, vestry member and chair of the Outreach Committee for seventeen years. In addition to her duties at St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church, she is also a Board Member of St.Steven's Ministry, an organization that supports clients that are dealing with HIV/AIDS; a Board Member of Augusta City Classic, Inc. that provides scholarships for High School Graduates in the CSRA area going to College; Treasure of St. Clare's Guild an Episcopal Church women's ministry that raises funds and donates those funds to assist various groups in the CSRA and the diocese of Georgia; and she also works with one of the newest ministries at St.Augustine's organizing trips and planning functions for Senior Citizens .
Lillian is a widower, a mother of two sons, Keith and Kelly. A grandmother to two granddaughters and one grandson and a great grandmother to Bella and Brielle.
Lara Fort
Business Administration
Lara is responsible for all the financial aspects of the church, along with Treasurer, Jane Taylor. She has been with us since 2017 and also works with other area churches with their financial operations. Lara is married to Kevin, who works for Columbia County. They are the proud parents of two boys and a girl.
Valerie Crumpton
Marketing & Communications Consultant
Valerie (Val) owns VTC Consulting LLC, a marketing and communications consulting firm. She assists St. Augustines in marketing and communications and manages our website, social media platforms, designs and publishes the weekly Canterbury Tales. Val is also serving her third term representing the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia as a Sewanee Trustee (2021-2025) Val graduated in 2011 from the Sewanee School of Theology with a Master of Arts in Theology and is a recipient of the School's award for Community Service. Val has extensive international work experience in nonprofit management and fundraising working for organizations such as Habitat for Humanity International, YMCA, and the Community Chest. Val's husband, The Very Rev. Al Crumpton, is the rector of Our Savior Episcopal Church in Martinez, GA and the Dean of the Augusta Convocation of Episcopal Churches. In her spare time, Val loves to travel, cook, bake, watch movies, and is an active volunteer at her church, community and the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.
LD Newman
I have been a member of St. Augustine’s parish since 2009. My wife, Trish and our daughter Kai are also active members of the parish. I have been a GA Bar licensed attorney since 1997. I currently serve as Assistant Vice President of International Initiatives at Augusta University. I recently celebrated 20 years working in immigration law and 40 years working in higher education at universities throughout the southern and mid-Atlantic U.S.
Jane Taylor
I grew up in Huron, South Dakota. I married Robert Taylor in 1968. We have 2 children: Matthew Taylor and Christine Hicks (Nathaniel). I graduated from the University of South Dakota with a degree in math education and taught school for several years. I graduated from Augusta College with a business degree and became a CPA. I worked for Fuller, Frost & Associates, CPAs, PC until retiring in 2017. We have been members of St. Augustine’s since moving here in 1981. I have been on Altar Guild since then, as well a participating in various other projects and activities.
Donna Tumm
Artist in Residence
Arts and crafts and gardening have always been favorite pastimes for me. My mom worked in a craft shop when I was a young teenager and provided me with ideas and supplies to keep me occupied. Over the years I’ve dabbled in many forms of art. In 2005, I discovered a new project. I was replacing the old windows in my home and used the old windows to paint flowers and plants on them. The idea was to paint as if you were looking out your window into a garden. This was the first time I felt the hand of God in my work. This project also led me to St. Augustine's. I was invited to participate in the annual art show. I was immediately welcomed and will always remember how I felt as if I belonged there. My daughter, Hannah, and I started attending and soon joined St. Augustine’s. Whether it is creating flower arrangements, painting rocks, providing craft projects for the Senior Ministry, or sewing “Episcomasks”, I am thankful for the many opportunities St. Augustine’s has offered me to “play”!
Carolyn Igo
Artist in Residence
By way of introducing myself, I am Carolyn Igo and I have come by way of Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida and now find myself once again in Georgia. As best I can describe my path in life it has been as servant / caregiver. Many years ago I had a degree and career in retail display but , as things go, lots changed; children with their many activities, elderly and ill parents, church families to be part of, volunteer work , mixed with part time jobs and now , senior years .
A cradle Episcopalian would describe my religious background, as well as cradle artist. I use the term artist lightly as I am in no way professional in my abilities. God has endowed me with a family that was and is artistic. I live in the sure and secure knowledge and love of God , striving to serve and recognize Him by responding to whatever I can see that He places in my path. My art is fully tied to my spiritual life.
St Augustine’s has been my church home only for about a year now. My husband and I moved here to be near our grown children and grandchildren. One son lives in NY but the other 3 and 6 grandkids are here. Even with COVID-19 restrictions, I have become part of this warmly knit and welcoming community, well- served by the clergy and parish family. Amazing love is present here and I am honored to be involved . Artist in residence is a title I happily and thankfully accept, praying that God will empower me serve in this way.
Shelley Martin
Shelley Martin has answered the call to ordained ministry. In May 2020, following the completion of her internship with The Canterbury Club, Shelley Martin was asked to serve as Missioner to Augusta University. This mission is a joint venture of The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia and St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church. She and her family have been parishioners of St. Augustine’s since January of 2018. It was here that both she and her husband, Peter, were confirmed in The Episcopal Church and their daughter, Penelope, was baptized into the body of Christ.
Since coming to St. Augustine’s, Shelley has served on Vestry as the Christian Formation commission member. She has also facilitated the Meal Ministry for over a year, contacting parishioners in need of meal assistance and coordinating volunteers to provide those meals. Additionally, she has given of her time and talent to many other ministries of the church including Godly Play, StoryBox, and Christ Church Community Meal, as well as being a dedicated member of the Racial Healing group.
A self-described lifelong learner, Shelley’s collegiate course work has covered a wide variety of interests including Archaeology, Art History, Russian and Communications. She will be graduating from Augusta University this summer with a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Studies degree focusing on Anthropology and Communications. A member of Tau Sigma National Honor Society, she been awarded Chancellor’s and Dean’s List every semester of her undergraduate studies. Looking to the future, it is her hope to enter seminary and there continue her education while growing in her faith and the call to serve God and God’s people.
St. Augustine's 2024 Vestry
In the Episcopal Church, the members of the Vestry serve as the elected leaders of a congregation. Our vestry members are elected to three-year terms, with three new vestry members being chosen each year at the annual Parish Meeting in January. Each vestry member is commissioned to lead in specific areas of our parish life.

Bill Macuch
Sr. Warden

Brenda Green
Jr. Warden

Donna Tumm
Communications & Administration

Ray Sigg
Pastoral Care

Chris Melcher
Risk Management, Safety, and Compliance

Emily Fields
Parish Life

Pat Burau
Christian Formation

Kay Floyd