Adult Formation
Sunday 9:30am
The Adult Forum Series, Theology 101, led by Rev. Amy Bradley, John Hayes, and Katie Hall continues January 19th, & 26th; February 2nd, 16th, & 23rd

Bible Study
Wednesday 10:30am
Bible Study continues on Wednesday in the Vestry Room at 10:30am. We are studying the Gospel of John.

Lenten Series
Wednesday 5:30pm
The Rev. Canon Frank and Victoria Logue created a book and companion video series for individuals and small groups that draws on desert spirituality. St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church will host a Lenten Series every Wednesday March 4th through April 1st focusing on their book and video series, "A Spring in the Desert"
The Wednesday evening Lenten Series will begin with a soup and bread supper at 5:30pm followed by the study at approximately 5:45pm. Books can be purchased in the office for $5.00.

St. Augustine's
Wednesday 5:30pm
YOGA continues on Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Yoga Room downstairs. Wear comfortable clothes and bring your yoga mat! Please join us in the youth room downstairs by the chapel. See you there! Kim Said RYT.

Wednesday 7pm
The Choir meets every Wednesday at 7pm in the Choir Room to practice.

Education for Ministry
Our parish hosts Education for Ministry (EfM) on Tuesday evenings throughout the school year.
Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. The EfM program is preparation for the ministry to which we all are called. It is that vocation for which we pray at the end of the Eucharist: "And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord."
New EfM classes form each fall. For more information, contact EfM leader, Deacon John Warner at jwarner6@comcast.net.